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Did you know...


That your personal and home care products and food (from cleaning products, to shampoo, to makeup to baby care, to your favorite pre packaged foods) contain carcinogenic ingredients, neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors and allergens that could be downright hazardous to your health?


Dr. Bernhoft recommends a makeover for all of your home, personal and dietary products.


Eat clean and organic.

Choose home and personal care products that are safe and free of harmful and even banned substances in most of Europe and the EU.

Go fragrance free, as most fragrances are lab created and many people are allergic and unaware of the harm it may cause others too.


Use Physician Grade (pharmaceutical grade) supplements, that are guaranteed to contain the ingredients listed, in the proper formula for absorption and efficacy, and that have the correct potency. We can guide you through the process of cleaning it all up.

Dietary Supplements


Come visit our office...


We carry a wide selection of physician grade supplements, from beneficial probiotics, trace minerals, fish oils and other multivitamins that help detoxify and support the immune system. 





Dr. Robin A. Bernhoft discusses Environmental Medicine on the interview show: "The Wellness Hour" with Randy Alvarez

Dr. Robin A. Bernhoft discusses Bio-Identical Hormones on the interview show: "The Wellness Hour" with Randy Alvarez

It's In Your Food: GMO -

Your Right to Know Forum with Dr. Bernhoft 

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Our libary of informative books, availble for purchase at the office. The more you know, the more informed decisions you can make regarding your health and wellbeing!

Dr. Robin Bernhoft MD FACS A4M Fellowship

Poisons in Our Local Environment with

Dr Bernhoft

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